Our work
Run by the Foundation in partnership with GERES, the program promoted sustainable practices across 28 villages of the Yorosso district of southern Mali. It also aimed to create conditions for the improved resilience of vulnerable farming communities through access to technology and organic fertilizers. Complementing the work done by an existing agricultural service center with functional infrastructure, the program focused on testing and adapting agro-ecological practices such as micro-irrigation, land use management, tree planting, renewable energy and organic inputs. The program also provided vulnerable farmers with specific equipment and seeds, training and capacity-building sessions to ensure better productivity by using and preserving natural resources. Specific focus was given to the empowerment of women, by targeting local women’s organizations and providing members with training, experience sharing, equipment and monitoring tools.
Key Impacts
320 tons of organic fertilizers were distributed through the program, and more than thousands of farmers were provided with equipment to help them develop sustainable practices. The « agro-ecological center » based in Karagorola village center is accessible to producers, and should ensure the continued transmission of acquired knowledge and the proper maintenance of equipment. Furthermore, with the aim of tackling deforestation in Yorosso district, a tree plantation campaign was conducted with over 76,546 trees planted, and a pilot to implement improved cook stoves was completed by a group of ten women.
Thanks to subsequent yield increases, crops previously intended for household consumption, such as cereals and vegetables, have also been sold at local markets to generate additional cash for basic needs, as well as health and education expenses.
About our partner
GERES (Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités) is a French non-profit association that aims to preserve the environment, limit climate change and its consequences, reduce energy poverty and improve living conditions.
Project duration
2015 - 2017
The use of an improved cook stove has cut my consumption of wood fuel in half. The revenue I get from growing vegetables and producing improved cook stoves for the women of my village allows me to be an independent woman and provide education for my children.
Awa Vegetable farmer in the district of Koury